Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 7

We did it! It's Day 7! Finally! For those of you who don't know, yesterday was Christmas in July (it was the 25th), so belated Merry Christmas in July. Today, I'm going to persuade you, my fellow classmates, to complete your class work and pass this class. Imagine if you had to do an entire semester worth of this class. Think of the wasted time, the class that you could've taken, the thing that you could've learned. So, pass this class, don't waste $200, don't waste your summer, and don't waste your actual classes in high school, since they will teach you important things that will carry on throughout your life.
I won't see you tomorrow.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 6

Day 6, we're almost done... and I'm going to educate today.
Since you guys are taking a class with Frederick County Virtual School, I can assume that you live in Frederick County. Since you live in Frederick County, there's a chance that you'll go into the city of Frederick. If you do, go to the library, take the stairs to the second floor, walk towards the large windows, and go on terrace. Yes, there's a terrace at the library. Something I didn't know about until today. And I've been living here for more than a decade. It's a little sad.
See you tomorrow.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 5

Day 5, the writer is away for the beginning of the day, because he is taking his driving test, which, should he complete, will earn him a provisional driver's license, in the state of Maryland. You should be reading this, in a dry British accent. I don't know about you, but that makes things funny. I hope you were entertained.
See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 4

Hey guys, it's Day 4. We've made it to the halfway point! And it's Wednesday, which means I'll be working more on my actual blog, that posts on Wednesdays, so I kinda have to keep today brief. I will however, but putting a link to it right  here, so you can go over there, and maybe be entertained.
See ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 3

Well, it's Day 3. My goal today is something very hard to do with many people of your age, fellow classmates: educate.
     That's right, learning. It's something that we all must do, or die non-noteworthy deaths after living a short and valueless life. Sure, you could argue that there are totally people who can escape the societal bonds of education, and make it in the world without cognitive action, and probably provide a list of people who fit the bill, but that doesn't mean that you can too. Let's look at the people who probably don't need to learn anything, but still live a happy life, shall we? Be ready to read, it's a super long list:
Rich people, who inherited their wealth, and have parents that don't care about their children enough to make them do something worth while.

That's it. Those are the only people who can live that kind of life style, and get off scott free. Remember that the next time you think: "I hate [insert class here]." If you act on that emotion, you'll die poor and hungry (and don't expect much help from the government).
See ya tomorrow.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of someone spending 5 minutes typing because I have to learn about how to communicate with people, since I totally don't already have a blog that I've been running for more then half a year! I'm glad you could join me. Today, I'm going to persuade you...
    I really like eating nutrients, and I think that you should too. Nutrients are something that we all need, and would die without. I know you're probably thinking "Nutrients! HA! Only losers and weak people need nutrients!" To that I simply have to say "Wrong." Nutrients are necessary for you to do the masochist and neanderthal-esque activities you do everyday, person who I can assume also doesn't like reading and firing neurons. You can't run, jump, or ignore good health practices without the help of nutrients! If you try to, you'll probably end up dead.
See ya tomorrow. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 1

 Day 1
Helllllllllooooo FoT!! How's everyone doing out there? Is moodle treating you well? I sure hope so, because if it isn't, you make have trouble receiving a high school diploma, since this class is required for graduation!
But anyway, this is blog is solely created to meet the purposes of the assignment from Unit 5 Lesson 4 Extension, which states that I have to blog for a week so with the intent to either educate, entertain, control, persuade, or manage my class. Is it just me, or is it a little strange that 3 out of the 5 purposes given are based around the manipulation of others?
     Well, let's get started. Today, I'm going to control you... that's right, you heard me. Through this post, I'm going to control your body...
     Breath in and out, at the rhythm dictated by your emotions and level of activity.
     Continue to carry out whatever plans you had before I took control of you.
     Live your life as you see fit.
Now do as I command!!!
See you guys tomorrow.