Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 3

Well, it's Day 3. My goal today is something very hard to do with many people of your age, fellow classmates: educate.
     That's right, learning. It's something that we all must do, or die non-noteworthy deaths after living a short and valueless life. Sure, you could argue that there are totally people who can escape the societal bonds of education, and make it in the world without cognitive action, and probably provide a list of people who fit the bill, but that doesn't mean that you can too. Let's look at the people who probably don't need to learn anything, but still live a happy life, shall we? Be ready to read, it's a super long list:
Rich people, who inherited their wealth, and have parents that don't care about their children enough to make them do something worth while.

That's it. Those are the only people who can live that kind of life style, and get off scott free. Remember that the next time you think: "I hate [insert class here]." If you act on that emotion, you'll die poor and hungry (and don't expect much help from the government).
See ya tomorrow.

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